Dreiser Law Group

Social Security Administration Changes Policy On Subsequent Applications

Social Security Disability claimants beware!  As noted in a recent e-mail flash from NOSSCR (a great organization!!), the Social Security Administration recently published SSR 11-1p revising the SSA’s policy for handling subsequent applications when a prior claim is pending with the Appeals Council. Effective July 28, 2011, the Social Security Administration will no longer process a subsequent disability claim

Social Security Disability and SSI ALJ Disposition Data

The Social Security Administration has released disposition data for the Administrative Law Judges on their website for September 2010 through June of 2011. You can get historical data on ALJ dispositions here. If you need more information about a personal injury matter (car wreck, truck accident, boating accident, slip and fall, etc.), SSD/SSI matter, or a workers

Tennessee workers’ compensation law on drug testing passed

Workers’ compensation exists to cover the burden of medical expenses and lost wages after an employee is injured. It also provides long-term disability benefits for those who have been hurt while at work. A new workers’ compensation law concerning drug testing became effective on July 1 in Tennessee. The new measure, backed by the state’s

Approximating Social Security Disability Benefits

Often I am asked, “How much will I get if I am approved for Social Security Disability?” My first response is that I cannot tell you off hand because every person’s benefit is different depending on their earnings. The next thing I advise a client is that an easy way is to look at the pamphlet

New Wrinkle Added to Workers Compensation Subrogation Interest in Third-Party Personal Injury Claims in Tennessee

The Tennessee Court of Appeals added a layer of complexity to workers’ compensation subrogation in third-party personal injury matters. In Cooper v. Logistics Insight, Corp., et al. the injured employee, Mr. Cooper, filed suit to recover for personal injuries suffered while working as a tow motor operator for MasterStaff, Inc. Mr. Cooper had received benefits




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