Dreiser Law Group

Childhood SSI Claims and Attending and Completing Tasks

Parents applying for childhood SSI benefits for their child are often confused by how the Social Security Administration evaluates and decides the claim. If a child does not meet a “Listing”, one must assess the claimant’s functioning in terms of six domains: (1) acquiring and using information; (2) attending and completing tasks; (3) interacting and

Accident on I-75 in Tennessee causes personal injury to 3

Any car accident can be devastating, but accidents involving multiple vehicles can be even more so due to the number of vehicles and individuals who may be affected. One recent accident on Interstate 75 in Tennessee is an unfortunate example of just how injurious such accidents can be. According to reports, at least three individuals

Childhood SSI and Domain of Acquiring and Using Information

Parents applying for childhood SSI benefits for their child are often confused by how the Social Security Administration evaluates and decides the claim.  This blog entry will be the first part of a series talking about “domains of functioning.” A child has to have an impairment or combination of impairments that meets or equals an impairment listed in

Tennessee workers’ compensation example in out-of-state accident

Tennessee workers face a myriad of situations and circumstances that can be potentially dangerous. While many people see the inherent dangers of working sites with heavy machinery, moving parts or chemicals, even ordinary jobs can prove dangerous or fatal. Thankfully, Tennessee has workers’ compensation laws in place to protect the victims of a devastating workplace

Tragic Knoxville accident kills 1, causes personal injury to 3

Three people are injured and one has died in a recent Knoxville car accident. According to Tennessee Highway Patrol officials, a car and pickup truck collided, causing the serious personal injury. It is reported that the car was traveling northbound on Lovell Road when it collided with the pickup truck heading southbound. Initial reports did

Personal injury insurance required for Tennessee pet owners?

Tennessee dog owners are likely aware of the controversy surrounding many breeds of dogs which are purportedly dangerous. A surge in reports of dog attacks resulting in personal injury has sparked Tennessee legislators to propose amendments to the Tennessee Code regarding “dangerous and vicious dogs.” According to reports, the proposed legislation may specifically target breeds

Social Security Disability and SSI Wait Times Increasing

There is bad news for Social Security Disability or SSI claimants in that the average processing times for hearings have increased and are likely to continue increasing due to the federal budgetary cuts known as “sequestration.” In East Tennessee, the average processing times at the hearing level alone (the time from a request for a hearing




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