Dreiser Law Group

Childhood SSI Benefits for Sickle Cell Disease

A child may qualify for Childhood SSI disability benefits due to Sickle Cell Anemia or Sickle Cell Disease. Childhood SSI claims are evaluated differently than adult claims for Social Security Disability or SSI. The requirements are actually more stringent. If the child is not working and has “severe” impairments, the Social Security Administration determines whether

Social Security Disability and Dictionary of Occupational Titles

As discussed previously, Social Security Disability and SSI claims involve consideration of vocational factors. One of the main resources for vocational information for the Social Security Administration is the Dictionary of Occupational Titles or the DOT. The Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) was developed in response to the demand of an expanding public employment service

Truck accident kills 18-year-old, injures infant

A tragic accident in which an 18-year-old girl died and her two passengers were injured happened on a recent Tuesday afternoon in August. The accident led to the closure of a Tennessee highway and the redirection of traffic through a nearby town. The truck accident, which was allegedly caused by reckless driving, happened just before

Social Security Disability and Past Relevant Work

As discussed recently, in deciding Social Security Disability or SSI claim, the Social Security Administration follows a sequential evaluation process. At step 4 of that process, the SSA looks to see if the person applying for disability can do her past relevant work. But what is past relevant work? The term “work experience” means skills

Social Security Disability 5-Step Sequential Evaluation

When someone applies for Social Security Disability or SSI, the Social Security Administration follows a five-step sequential evaluation for determining eligibility.  This process is followed regardless of the level of decision (application, reconsideration, or a hearing).  This is the process used for adult claims. For information on the process for childhood SSI click here. The five steps




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