Dreiser Law Group

Car accidents, legal claims and an out-of-court settlement

Seriously injured victims of car accidents may choose to file a personal injury claim, while the families of deceased victims of accidents have the option to file a wrongful death claim. In order to establish if a claim can be filed in Tennessee, the victim and/or their family typically benefit by getting the right advice

Social Security Disability – Hearing times and approval rates

Unfortunately, the news for Social Security Disability and SSI claimants waiting for a hearing continues to worsen in terms of wait times for hearings and percentage of people awarded disability. Since September of 2014 when I lasted posted on the subject, the situation has not improved in terms of wait times or average approval rates. The

Social Security Disability – Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)

Social Security Disability and SSI recipients will see a 1.7% increase in benefits due to the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) starting in January of 2015. Every year in October the government announces the COLA.  The COLA is based on the Consumer Price Index from the third quarter of the current year. The COLA affects many important aspects

Police officer involved in fatal car wreck in Tennessee

Police officers are only human, which means they are prone to make mistakes just like the rest of us. Unfortunately, this can often cause injury or even death. This may have been what happened recently when a police officer was involved in a fatal car wreck in Tennessee. The incident happened when the police officer

Social Security Disability – Severity of Mental Claims

In Social Security Disability and SSI claims involving mental conditions, the claimant must show that through evidence that the conditions are severe and disabling (click here for information on evaluation of mental claims in general). In its regulations, the Social Security Administration describes various types of evidence it considers when determining these factors. The SSA

Zoo may face premises liability claim after jaguar bites child

It is not uncommon to see reports about people who suffered severe personal injury or worse after being attacked by animals. Most of the subsequent personal injury or premises liability lawsuits involve people who were bitten by dogs; however, a recent incident in another state involved jaguars. Tennessee residents may be interested to learn about

Social Security Disability – New Rules on Video Hearings

For several years now, the Social Security Administration has been trying to implement video teleconferencing (VTC) for Social Security Disability and SSI hearings. There are several proffered rationales including decreasing the disparity of wait and approval times between different hearing office. I personally do not like participating in VTC hearings and believe that they are




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