Dreiser Law Group

Workplace injury data soon readily available

As of August 10, many employers involved in industries considered high risk will have to change their ways when it comes to reporting on their workplace safety in order to comply with a new rule issued by the Occupation Safety and Health Administration. According to the federal agency, statistics indicate that in excess of three

Charges follow after fatal car wreck in Tennessee

Instead of celebrating Mother’s Day with their mom at the beginning of May, a Tennessee family had to set up a memorial for her near the accident scene where she was killed just two days before. Reports of the fatal car wreck was received around 9:47 p.m. on the Friday before Mother’s Day. At the

Dog Bites: Holding Pet Owners Accountable

Perhaps you thought you could trust your neighbor’s dog until it attacked your child. Or maybe you were enjoying a day at the park as a family when an unleashed dog bit you or your child. While your first priority is the well-being of your child, you also may be confused, angry, and unsure of

Workplace injury: Who pays the medical bills?

Many Tennessee workers are exposed to a variety of dangers in their workplaces. While employers can do everything required by law to provide a safe workplace and workers can take every possible precaution, the fact is that accidents happen. Often in the case of a workplace injury, costs are incurred and you, as an injured




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