Dreiser Law Group

Why is it more dangerous to drive during winter?

With cooler temperatures coming soon in Tennessee, it is time to act more cautiously when driving. While Knoxville does not get much snow every year, usually around six inches, it is enough to make driving substantially harder.  You should remain vigilant on roadways all year long. However, winter poses significant dangers that you typically do

Treating dogs like humans can be dangerous

When a dog bites someone, it’s common for the owner to be shocked and surprised, claiming that it’s never been a problem before. The issue, some experts say, is that people tend to treat dogs like human beings. This ignores what dogs need and what they are. It can put them in dangerous and problematic

Why aren’t drowsy driving statistics better?

It seems like we have statistics for every kind of accident. For instance, it’s easy to find out how many accidents are annually caused by drunk drivers. The same is not true for drowsy drivers. We know it’s a problem, and there are estimates. Per the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, around 1,550 people pass

4 tips for avoiding impaired drivers

Drunk drivers continue to be a serious issue on Tennessee’s roads, and simply not drinking and driving yourself isn’t enough to avoid being involved in a crash. If you really want to reduce the risk, you may need to take drastic steps to avoid these impaired drivers. What can you realistically do? Though nothing can

How to stay safe while on the roads

You are a cautious driver by nature and go above and beyond to pay attention to the roads in the Knoxville area. But being a safe driver is not the only way to protect yourself and passengers from car accidents. With the roads being more congested than usual, it is important for you to stay

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) – Compassionate Allowance List Increased by Three Conditions

People seeking Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits should be aware that the Social Security Administration (SSA) recently announced the addition of three conditions to its Compassionate Allowance (CAL) List. The CAL Program is designed to quickly identify diseases or other medical conditions that would invariable medially qualify the

Why does your employer ignore safety?

You know that safety in the workplace is important. You know that OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Administration) has strict regulations. However, you can’t shake the feeling that your employer just ignores basic safety regulations on a consistent basis. You can’t figure it out. Why would something so important be neglected? One reason that

Does the weather make truck accidents more likely?

It’s easy to assume that the weather plays a huge role in truck accident statistics. Perhaps you’ve seen videos of trucks sliding in the snow or crashing because of reduced visibility in heavy thunderstorms. Truckers are working, after all. They can’t just stay in during bad weather, reading a book, drinking a cup of coffee

What animals are most likely to have rabies?

You know there are plenty of risks associated with a dog bite, from bleeding to scarring to infection. You also know that any mammal can contract rabies, though, which poses an entirely different risk in the wake of a bite. What you’re wondering, then, is when that risk is high. Which animals pose the greatest

How to protect children from car accidents

While most people do not want to think about experiencing a car accident at some point, it is crucial to prepare if children are in the car. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has data proving many children receive protection from crashes each year as a result of being adequately restrained.  Parents will feel a lot more at

Study says vehicle type trumps crash test ratings

Crash test ratings can be helpful. Don’t ignore them when buying a new car. However, also pay attention to vehicle type. One study claims that this is a lot more important than the ratings. Specifically, the study says you should buy an SUV. Researchers looked at head-on crashes between SUVs and cars, and those in

Want to survive a car crash? Better buckle up

It’s astounding how many Americans get into their cars without putting on a seat belt. Personal injury lawyers who deal with the aftermath of car accidents are intimately aware of how risky it is to ride in a vehicle without using a seat belt. Indeed, the difference between wearing a seat belt and not wearing

1 in 5 commercial trucks failed during inspection blitz

Rules and regulations are in place to help encourage trucking companies to use safe trucks. Roadside inspections help ensure trucking companies meet this expectation. A failed inspection can result in serious consequences that can include a citation or removal of the vehicle from the roads with an out-of-service designation. Data from the most recent inspection

How to protect yourself against an uninsured motorist

Having auto insurance is a requirement to drive just about anywhere in the country. Even though you might have insurance, there’s no guarantee that other motorists around you will have it. This poses a problem when you’re involved in an accident. Here’s how you can protect yourself from an uninsured motorist. There are ways that

How to protect children from a dog bite

Owning a dog is a desire millions of people have throughout the country. Dogs make great pets. They are loyal to a fault and provide you with unconditional love. But, not all dogs are safe for children to be around. Some dogs simply do not like strangers, especially children, who can be a little rough

Common causes of 18-wheeler accidents in Tennessee

The economy of Tennessee, and our country as a whole, is spurred by the volume of 18-wheelers on the road. The more trucks you see, the better the economy is performing. As important as these trucks are, they can also be quite dangerous if not operated properly. Here are some common causes of 18-wheeler accidents.

How to avoid the dangers of summer driving

With summer in full swing, millions of people will be hitting the roads for day trips, weekend trips and week-long vacations. Don’t forget the aimless drives around town with family and friends when there’s nothing else to do. Going for a harmless drive can turn into tragedy if you don’t know the hazards of summer

The 5 most common workplace injuries

Going to work is dangerous for those who work as first responders and in other inherently dangerous fields. But, for most workers in Tennessee, going to work should not bring with it anxiety or fear that injury or illness could occur. Here are the top five most common workplace injuries. Overexertion injuries are the most




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