Dreiser Law Group

Social Security Disability or SSI Benefits for Ménière’s Disease

Social Security Disability and SSI benefits can be available to individuals suffering from labyrinthine-vestibular dysfunction or Ménière’s disease. Ménière’s disease (hydrops or endolymphatic hydrops) is an inner ear disorder that affects balance and hearing. Claimants can qualify for benefits due to disturbance of labyrinthine-vestibular function if certain requirements are met. Appendix 1 to Subpart P

John Dreiser Named Top Social Security Disability Attorney

In the July/August 2012 issue of Cityview Magazine, John Dreiser was recognized as one of the Top Attorneys in the area of Social Security Disability in Knoxville, Tennessee. There were only four other attorneys that gained this distinction. As noted by Cityview, members of the Knoxville Bar Association are asked to “determine which attorneys in

Tennessee troopers focus on drunk driving

Tennessee state troopers are communicating with the Department of Safety and Homeland Security to establish new ways to combat a staggering number of automobile accidents within the state. Seat-belt negligence and drunk driving are plaguing roads and claiming the lives of the populace. Tennessee residents need to be aware of the overwhelming statistics concerning travelers

Social Security Disability and SSI for Sjogren’s Syndrome

Individuals suffering from Sjogren’s syndrome may qualify for Social Security Disability or SSI benefits. Sjogren’s syndrome is an immune system disorder that usually first affects the mucous membranes and moisture-secreting glands of the eyes and mouth and often accompanies other immune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Complications of the syndrome include: dental cavities;

Tennessee car accidents lead to injuries and deaths

Multiple Tennessee first-response agencies were called in to handle a devastating crash on July 7. The car accident occurred in the Knoxville area on Wears Valley Road, west of Ogles View Drive around 6:42 a.m. The fatal collision was just one of at least two deadly car accidents that happened in the area over the

Tony Farmer and John Dreiser Top Workers’ Compensation Attorneys

In the July/August 2012 issue of Cityview Magazine, Tony Farmer and John Dreiser were recognized as two of the Top Attorneys in the area of Workers’ Compensation.  This honor was in the designation of Top Plaintiff’s attorneys – those who represent injured workers.  Tony and John exclusively represent injured workers through East Tennessee. As noted by Cityview, members

Social Security Disability or SSI Benefits for Hearing Loss

People often wonder if they qualify for Social Security Disability or SSI benefits because they have difficulty hearing. People have heard that just because they have a bad hearing loss that they will automatically qualify for SSDI or SSI benefits. Claimants can qualify for benefits due to hearing loss, but the loss must be very

Dual Tennessee car accidents kill 1, injure 2 officers

A fatal car crash killed one man and injured others on Monday, June 23. Sadly, the decedent was a former member of the Tennessee Highway Patrol. The former patrolman was transported to a local hospital after the head-on collision on Highway 75. The man died the day after the car accident. The incident occurred when

Dangers of Non-Attorney Reps in Social Security Disability

Social Security Disability and SSI claimants should always be wary of incompetent representation. As discussed before, my belief is that part of ensuring competent representation is to hire a licensed attorney experienced in practicing before the Social Security Administration. A recent law review journal written by Drew Swank Non-Attorney Social Security Disability Representative and the

Tennessee court OKs workers’ comp for man with PTSD

Workers all across America take comfort knowing that they will be covered by workers’ compensation in the event of a work-related injury. When the system works as intended, workers’ compensation gives injured workers the financial means to cover their expenses and focus on recovery. When benefits are denied, however, the injured worker often finds his

Southern Tennessee-area car accidents: 4 deaths in 3 days

Some roadways and intersections seem to be more dangerous than others. Whether it’s the way they’re engineered, a lack of visibility or simply the drivers who frequent them, accidents happen and often lead to injury or death for local drivers. There were at least four deaths from car accidents in or close to the southern

Truck accident leaves one person dead and others injured

Accidents occur frequently on Tennessee roads. Those accidents typically require extensive clean up which may lead to road closures or significant slowdowns. Two semis recently crashed along the Tennessee border. The cleanup efforts by local authorities resulted in a traffic slowdown. This slowdown caused a second truck accident that involved five different vehicles, caused several

EEOICPA Claims for Exposed Workers at Savannah River Site (SRS)

Sick workers from SRS may qualify for EEOICPA and workers’ compensation benefits. From 1950 until the late 1980s, the Savannah River Site (SRS) conducted multiple operations that played a vital role in the U.S. nuclear weapons complex. Of greatest importance were the production of plutonium and tritium. Many facilities were built at SRS to support

Childhood SSI for Genetic Disorders or Catastrophic Abnormalities

Children suffering from serious genetic disorders (Down syndrome, Trisomy 13 (Patau Syndrome or Trisomy D), Trisomy 18 (Edwards’ Syndrome or Trisomy E), chromosomal deletion syndromes, Tay-Sachs, cri du chat syndrome) can qualify for Childhood SSI benefits. The disability benefits would be awarded if the claimant or her representative can show: A catastrophic, congenital abnormality established




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