Dreiser Law Group

Dangerous working conditions often lead to a workplace injury

Utility workers in Tennessee, and all across the country, are regularly required to work in all weather conditions, high above the ground and on high voltage equipment. When you consider these working conditions, it is easy to see why this group of workers is more likely than average to suffer a workplace injury, and even why this industry has a relatively high fatality rate. Because of the risks they face, utility workers need to be given special safety considerations by their employers.

When a job exposes you to many risks, understanding the dangers you face and knowing how to protect yourself are of utmost importance. If you have a job with many safety risks, as utility field workers do, knowledge of the safety practices and personal protective equipment (PPE) as prescribed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) can make the difference between life and death. Simply being aware of dangers decreases the chance of suffering a workplace injury.

When your working conditions are considered to be high risk, watching out for contributing factors can prevent injuries. When you work alone in a high risk situation, it can be very stressful, especially if you do not get enough rest and are working long hours. Working in groups of two or more people is much safer, as another set of eyes can often help prevent mistakes. You can also protect yourself against injury by using the correct PPE, such as rubber gloves and hardhats, as well as by always using the required safety equipment, such as a harness, when you are working in a dangerous position.

Unfortunately, even when workers take all the required precautions, workplace injuries can still happen. If you have suffered a workplace injury, you may be entitled to file for workers’ compensation benefits. Damages awarded by a Tennessee court in a successful workers’ compensation claim may assist you as you deal with related expenses, such as medical and rehabilitation costs, as well as loss of income.

Source: utilityproducts.com, “Field Worker Safety: Top Six Concerns“, Jack Rubinger, Nov. 10, 2014




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