Dreiser Law Group

Motorcycle versus car accidents — extra vigilance is needed

During this time of year in Tennessee, the cooler weather is ideal for motorcyclists to take out their bikes. Unfortunately, car accidents involving motorcycles are all too common. In Montgomery County, 121 accidents involving motorcycles have been reported so far this year. Six people died in these accidents.

The lives of one young family in Tennessee recently changed irrevocably after the husband was hit by a car while traveling on his motorcycle. The motorcyclist, a soldier, was traveling between home and work when the accident happened. According to the accident report, the car’s driver did not see the approaching motorcycle and turned in front of him.

Fortunately, the motorcyclist survived, but he was seriously injured. Apart from a fractured spine, he suffered a broken jaw, broken ribs, and both his arms were also broken. However, what changed everything, for both him and his family, is the traumatic brain injury he suffered, despite wearing a helmet.

Car accidents involving motorcycles are often devastating, as the motorcyclists have very little protection against the car. Often, these accidents occur because the motorist looks out for other motorists but does not notice the biker. According to the wife of the victim, he did all the required training for motorcyclists, but in this case, he had no time to react or anywhere to go in order to avoid the accident.

Tennessee victims seriously injured in car accidents, as well as motorcycle accidents, may choose to file personal injury claims. If negligence proves to be the root cause of the accident, financial damages may be awarded. Damages may provide financial assistance to the victim and the family while recovering from the injuries suffered.

Source: theleafchronicle.com, “Soldier’s motorcycle wreck a reminder to ‘look twice’“, Ray Howze, Aug. 31, 2015




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