Dreiser Law Group

Proposed Social Security Disability and SSI Changes Analyzed – Part II

This entry is the second installment of a review of proposed changes to Social Security Disability and SSI made by Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) that would supposedly save $3 trillion from entitlement plans. Listed below are some of his “reforms” with some brief comments in italics from this author.

  • Eliminate the 10% cap on recovery of SSI overpayments from Current SSI beneficiaries; eliminate the $20.00 general income exclusion; reduce SSI for each additional eligible child in a family.  ELIMINATE AND REDUCE is what all this boils down to.  Senator Coburn wants to “reform” and “save” by taking away from the neediest in Society.
  • Eliminate Reconsideration.  Finally, a reform that makes sense and saves resources.  Currently, in Tennessee at least, claims at Reconsideration are denied at about 94% so it naturally begs the question of why have this step in the first place?
  • Close the record one week before the ALJ hearing.  Again, another “reform” only meant to decrease the number of claimants that are actually approved.  Although it is always “best practice” to provide all relevant evidence to the ALJ as early as possible, sometimes that winning piece of evidence is not procured until the very last minute.  Deserving and qualifying claimants should not be denied because of technicalities and issues out of his or her control.

If you need more information about a personal injury matter (car wreck, boating accident, slip and fall, etc.), SSD/SSI matter, EEOICPA claim, or a workers compensation matter, please contact the Law Offices of Tony Farmer and John Dreiser for a free case evaluation. We can be reached at (865) 584-1211 or (800) 806-4611 or through our website at www.farmerdreiser.com.




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