Dreiser Law Group

Social Security Disability benefits

Tennessee residents who become disabled and are unable to return to work may be eligible for Social Security Disability benefits. To qualify, claimants must have qualifying disabilities and have earned enough work credits over the course of their previous careers. They must also be unable to perform substantial, gainful activity because of their conditions.

As of Dec. 31, 2019, the average SSDI monthly benefit received by disabled people was $1,258. Disability payments are based on claimants’ earnings records. People can check the estimated benefits section on their annual Social Security statements to get an idea of what they might receive. People pay into the Social Security Disability fund through payroll deductions. To qualify for benefits, people generally need to have worked at least 10 years and earned at least 40 work credits. Out of the work credits, 20 must have been earned in the previous 10 years before the date of the application for benefits.

When an application is filed, the Social Security Administration will look at whether the claimant is working. If the claimant is working and makes more than $1,260 per month, he or she will not be considered to be disabled. The agency will also look at whether the disability is a listed condition, its severity, and whether the applicant is unable to return to his or her former position or another type of job. If a claimant is approved for benefits, he or she will receive payments back to the date that he or she filed the application or first became disabled.

People whose applications for SSDI benefits are denied may want to talk to experienced disability attorneys. A lawyer might help the client file an appeal of the denial. Counsel may help to gather additional evidence to support the claim to make it likelier that the appeal will succeed.




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