Dreiser Law Group

Social Security Disability (SSDI) – Update on SSA Budget Crisis and Hiring Freeze

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) claimants and beneficiaries alike need to be aware of the drastic effects of budget cuts and hiring freezes on the Social Security Administration (SSA). I recently blogged about the temporary budget passed by Congress and this entry is to provide more information regarding the SSA’s budget issues.  The SSA provides a vast array of services to Americans, including benefits for the disabled under the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program, and proper funding is imperative to all Americans.

From fiscal year 2010 through fiscal year 2016, the SSA’s administrative budget has been cut by 10% while the number of beneficiaries served by the SSA, which includes retired and disabled individuals, has increased 13% during the same time period. The budget decreases has not only increased the waiting period for the disability process, but has also caused a backlog of actions on more mundane issues such as reports of changes such as hospitalizations, marriages, new jobs, etc. leading to under-and over-payments on many accounts.

Adding to the mounting problems of the SSA is the hiring freeze eon all Federal agencies implemented by the new administration. Wait times and benefits service problems will only increase. I again urge anyone reading this blog to contact their senator or congress person to urge action on these issues.

If you need more information about a Social Security Disability/SSI, personal injury, EEOICPA, long or short-term disability, Railroad Retirement Board disability, or a workers compensation matter, please contact the Law Offices of Tony Farmer and John Dreiser for a free case evaluation. We can be reached at (865) 584-1211 or (800) 806-4611 or through our website.




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