Dreiser Law Group

Tennessee man seriously injured and horse killed in car wreck

An early morning accident in the middle of March led to a dead horse and a seriously injured male. The car wreck happened shortly after 6.30 a.m. on a recent Friday morning in the region of the Madison and Carroll County lines. This area of Tennessee includes a great deal of farmland with many people keeping animals in fenced fields along the highway.

It is reported that, on this particular morning, a horse must have gotten out of its paddock and ran onto the highway. The horse was hit by two cars, one after the other. Sadly, the horse was killed, but no persons travelling in either of the cars were injured in accidents.

The driver of the first car to hit the horse left the safety of his car to direct traffic. He was subsequently hit by a truck, which sent him flying across the highway and suffering serious injuries. No further information regarding the severity of his injuries is currently available.

Authorities are investigating what caused the accident. Should their investigation show that either the horse owner or the driver of the truck were negligent, the victim may have the recourse to file a civil claim for damages suffered due to the accident. In Tennessee, seriously injured victims of a car wreck may institute personal injury claims. Successfully litigated personal injury civil claims provide for the reimbursement of any monetary damages. Monetary damages awarded from a successful claim could help the victim better cope with medical bills, rehabilitation costs and any lost wages due to missing time from work.

Source: wbbjtv.com, Horse Killed, Man Injured in Early Morning Wreck, Erica Williams, March 21, 2014




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