Dreiser Law Group

Tennessee truck accident kills TDOT worker, injures patrolman

A tragic truck accident happened recently on a Tennessee highway and involved two trucks, one from TDOT. Police believe that the driver of a semi-tractor trailer truck crashed into the back of a parked TDOT truck, beginning the fatal truck accident. The impact caused the trucks to slam first into a pedestrian TDOT worker, then into a highway patrol vehicle as well in this horrific crash. The patrol officer was injured, and both the TDOT worker and the truck driver were killed.

The Tennessee TDOT worker who was killed in the truck accident had apparently exited his vehicle early in the morning hours, at a construction site along Interstate 75. For unknown reasons, the driver of the semi-truck slammed into the back of the TDOT vehicle as he passed through the construction zone. The impact pushed the trucks into the now-deceased worker standing on the roadway before striking the patrol car. Following the collision, all three vehicles finally came to rest in a mangled heap.

The fatal truck accident resulted in both death and injury to its victims. To determine exactly what happened that sad morning, police are conducting an investigation, including seeking toxicology reports on the truck driver to determine if he was under the influence. One of the main intentions of this inquiry is to determine the actions of the semi-truck driver prior to the accident.

The men who died in this truck accident undoubtedly left loved ones who must now learn to live without them. In addition, the injured patrol officer may have suffered damages that will result in an extended healing time, though he has left the hospital, according to reports. These victims, like all in our state who have suffered death or serious injury in a truck accident, may find that they are able to recover some of the economic damages done to them. Using personal injury laws and claims against the estate of the now-deceased semi-truck driver, the family of the TDOT worker killed, and the patrol officer injured, may find some relief in the face of their difficult situation.

Source: wrcbtv.com, “UPDATE: Two killed, THP trooper injured in early morning accident,” Sept. 24, 2012




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